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21 Aug 2023 - ouray

Your New Sidekick For Supercharged Software Testing

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiast! Have you ever considered what goes on behind the scenes when using your favourite app? We’re talking about the intricate web of code, the building blocks that create those seamless experiences we’ve come to expect. But what if we told you there’s a new hero in town, ready to team up with you for some seriously next-level software testing? Enter Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), the dynamic duo that’s changing the game!

Now, before you think, “Whoa, hold on, isn’t AI something only super-nerdy scientists use?” – Hang tight! We’re here to show you how you, yes, can harness the power of AI to supercharge your software testing efforts. Let’s dive in and discover this tech magic together!

Generative AI and LLMs: What’s the Buzz?

Alright, let’s break it down without the tech jargon. Generative AI is like a creative wizard that can generate stuff – be it text, art, or even music. And LLMs? Think of them as AI’s wordsmith cousin. They’re all about understanding and generating human-like text. Mix these two, and you have a potion for some seriously cool software testing tricks!

Test Scenario Generation: Unleash Your Imagination

Picture this: You’re the mastermind behind testing a brand-new app. You’ve got your regular test scenarios, but what about those sneaky edge cases that love to play hide and seek? Here’s where AI comes in. By training a model with your existing test cases, you can ask it to whip up fresh scenarios. It’s like having a testing partner who’s all about finding the hidden gems!

Actionable Tip: Tune up your AI buddy with domain-specific knowledge. The more it knows, the more creative its test scenarios become.

Case Study: Ever booked a stay with Airbnb? Well, they used AI to create test scenarios for their payment system. They caught some game-changing vulnerabilities that traditional tests missed!

Natural Language Test Scripting: No More Code Confusion

Who loves writing test scripts? Yeah, only a few of us. But imagine if you could tell your AI friend what you need, and it just whips up the script for you. Sounds dreamy, right? With LLMs, you can turn high-level requirements into crystal-clear test scripts. It’s like having a chat with your app-testing buddy!

Actionable Tip: Play around with prompts and make sure your AI buddy gets the vibe of your app.

Case Study: Microsoft’s testers now chat with LLMs to get their Office features tested. More tests, less scripting – it’s a win-win!

Bug Report Enhancement: Bug Squashing Made Easy

Bugs – the not-so-welcome guests in your software party. But what if you could make them more presentable? AI can jazz your bug reports up, making them super detailed and easy to understand. It’s like giving your bug a makeover!

Actionable Tip: Team up with developers and teach your AI pal the art of bug squashing.

Case Study: Firefox by Mozilla used AI to level up their bug reports. Bugs got squashed faster, thanks to crystal-clear bug descriptions!

Code Completion for Test Automation: Code Like a Pro

Automation scripts – sounds fancy, right? But they’re a code jungle. That’s where your AI ally steps in. It can help you finish your automation scripts by suggesting the right code bits. It’s like having an AI code genie who knows all the tricks!

Actionable Tip: Train your AI buddy on your app’s code and feed it your unfinished scripts.

Case Study: Google took code suggestions from their AI buddy for Chrome browser tests. Less code stress, more coverage success!

Wrapping Up: You + AI = Tech Trailblazers!

Before you think you’re handing your job over to robots, remember that AI is here to help you, not replace you. Your human touch – intuition, creativity, and problem-solving skills – make this AI partnership magical.

So, whether you’re in the tech world or just someone who loves to explore, Generative AI and LLMs are ready to be your sidekicks on the journey to better software testing. Embrace the AI magic, and let’s take your testing game to the stars.