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20 Aug 2023 - ouray

Level Up Your Software’s Cybersecurity Game: Tips and Tales

In our digital wonderland, where software reigns supreme, the battle against cyber baddies is real. As the magic makers behind the scenes, you software engineering champs are vital in warding off those pesky cyber threats. So, grab your virtual shields because, in this blog post, we’re diving into some fantastic tips, backed by authentic stories, to armour up your software against the forces of darkness!

Be the Guardian of Secure Coding

Imagine this – you’re building a digital fortress, but if your code has holes, it’s like leaving the drawbridge down for the trolls! Start strong by weaving security into your code from the get-go.

Just like Equifax’s colossal slip-up in 2017 – where a tiny chink in their code’s armour exposed 147 million people’s sensitive info. Ouch! Remember, a robust code equals a strong defence.

Update like a Boss

Picture this: your software is a kingdom, and third-party libraries are your allies. But be warned, outdated supporters can turn into traitors! So, play it smart and update those buddies regularly.

Like the Heartbleed saga back in 2014 – a rogue bug in OpenSSL left a trail of chaos across the kingdom of the web. Keep those allies in check to keep your empire safe!

Multi-Factor Magic

Hold the door! Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is like setting up a moat with alligators around your digital castle. Even if a sneaky intruder gets past one gate, they’ll be in for a real surprise at the next.

The GitHub hack of 2020 could’ve been stopped with MFA – it’s like adding magical traps to your stronghold.

Play Hackers at Their Own Game

Wanna play a game? How about turning the tables on those sneaky hackers? Regular security testing, like your bug-hunting quest, helps you find vulnerabilities before the bad guys do.

Think of the WannaCry catastrophe in 2017 – those devils exploited a Microsoft weakness, leaving computers crying for help. A little testing goes a long way, trust me!

Dance to the DevSecOps Beat

It’s showtime! Picture this: a choreographed dance where security and development are partners in crime. That’s DevSecOps! Incorporate security checks into your software’s dance routine, and you’ll be gracefully gliding through updates without missing a step.

Take the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s slip-up in 2015 – if they’d nailed the DevSecOps dance, they wouldn’t have tripped over that breach.

Be the Cyber Sherlock

Elementary, my dear developer! To outwit cyber villains, you’ve gotta stay one step ahead. Stay in the know if you can keep tabs on their latest tricks and traps.

Like the SolarWinds fiasco in 2020 – it showed how even the shiniest knights in armour (trusted vendors) can fall victim to dark magic. Stay curious, and stay informed!

Plan Your Great Escape (Plan B)

The occasional dragon might swoop in no matter how much your armour is up. Fear not; a trusty escape plan (incident response plan) can save the day!

Just ask Target – back in 2013, they faced a fire-breathing disaster that signed 40 million customer credit cards. But with a solid escape plan, they could’ve turned the tide.


Remember, you magical makers of code and creativity, you’re not just crafting software. You’re crafting strongholds of the digital realm! By fusing security smarts, lessons from real-life mishaps, and a dash of your tech prowess, you can create software that can stand tall against the wildest cyber storms.